The Phantom is an American adventure comic strip created by Lee Falk, in addition to creator of Mandrake the Magician. A popular feature adapted into many media, including television, film and video games, it stars a costumed crimefighter vivacious from the fictional African country Bangalla.
The Phantom is the 21st in a descent of crimefighters that originated in 1536, subsequently the dad of British sailor Christopher Walker was killed during a pirate belligerence. Swearing an oath occurring for the skull of his father's murderer to broil evil, Christopher started the legacy of the Phantom that would be passed from daddy to son, disappearance people to manage to pay for the well along figure nicknames such as "The Ghost Who Walks", "The Man Who Cannot Die" and "Guardian of the Eastern Dark", believing him to be immortal.
Unlike many fictional costumed heroes, the Phantom does not have any superpowers, but otherwise relies upon his strength, intelligence, and fearsome reputation of creature an immortal ghost to extinguish his foes. The 21st Phantom is married to Diana Palmer, whom he met though studying in the United States; they have two children, Kit and Heloise. Like all previous Phantoms, he lives in the ancient Skull Cave, and has a trained wolf, Devil, and a horse named Hero.
Download free ebook pdf of Phantom Comics from HERE.
The Phantom is the 21st in a descent of crimefighters that originated in 1536, subsequently the dad of British sailor Christopher Walker was killed during a pirate belligerence. Swearing an oath occurring for the skull of his father's murderer to broil evil, Christopher started the legacy of the Phantom that would be passed from daddy to son, disappearance people to manage to pay for the well along figure nicknames such as "The Ghost Who Walks", "The Man Who Cannot Die" and "Guardian of the Eastern Dark", believing him to be immortal.
Unlike many fictional costumed heroes, the Phantom does not have any superpowers, but otherwise relies upon his strength, intelligence, and fearsome reputation of creature an immortal ghost to extinguish his foes. The 21st Phantom is married to Diana Palmer, whom he met though studying in the United States; they have two children, Kit and Heloise. Like all previous Phantoms, he lives in the ancient Skull Cave, and has a trained wolf, Devil, and a horse named Hero.
Download free ebook pdf of Phantom Comics from HERE.
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